You know what you like, and you’ve had some success before, but you could use some more inspiration.  Or maybe you’re a seasoned grower who is looking for something different to expand your green offering.

Australian Plum Pine

Loves some moisture for slow and steady growth.


An iconic bird attracting Australian native tree.


Tough and drought tolerant but delicate with incredibly pretty flowers.

Birds nest fern

This hardy fern grows on trees, rocks or on the ground.


Produces clusters of delicious blue fruits in late summer.

Boston fern

A great hanging indoor plant, needs a bright spot regular watering.

Bull Bay magnolia

This evergreen magnolia is a great feature tree for small spaces.

Burdekin Plum

A beautiful plant with large glossy leaves with deep purple fruits.

Butterfly Bush

Tall graceful stems topped with masses of white or pink flowers.


Leaves are paddle-shapped with show-stopping beautiful patterns.


Great for pots or hedging plant.

Chain of Hearts

A straggly evergreen climber with beautiful green and purple hues.

Chalk sticks

A hardy and easy to grow plant.

Cinnamon Myrtle

Tough, frost-tolerant shrub that thrives off regular care.

Coral Seas

These trumpet-shaped flowers bloom in autumn and spring.


Known for their tubular, irregularly shaped flowers.

Dahlia Mystic

Vibrant coloured flowers with fiery centres and almost black foliage.

Davidson Plum

Bushy shrub that gifts you deliciously attractive plums.

Dwarf Lilly Pilly

Used for low hedges, topiary and pot culture.


An easygoing long-flowering plant known for its medicinal properties.

Elephant Ear

A great foliage plant for indoors or shady outdoor areas.

Fan flower

This low growing native loves well drained soil and lots of light.

Golden cane palm

Attractively tall and humidity-loving palm

Grey star ctenanthe

Evergreen striped foliage are a hardy indoor favourite.

Kangaroo Paw

A brightly coloured addition to a native Australian garden.


Produces sweet, small fruit all year round.

Licorice Plant

This plant has soft, densely-felted foliage and a licorice fragrance.

Little Ruby

The perfect mounding ground cover with deep burgundy foliage.


These fast-growing climbers bloom prolifically in the summer months.

Maranta Prayer Plant

Low growing plant with a spectacular tricolour oval leaf variety.

Miss Muffet

A small shrub with fragrant cream flowers that appear in spring.


A shrub with twisting branches, dark glossy leaves and fragrant flowers.

Nephrolepis emerald queen

One of the most popular ferns - power to the fronds!

Nephrolepis macho

Tropical plant with long demanding fronds

Peperomia Obtusifolia Jade

Cute short plant growing cupped glossy leaves.

Peperomia Scandens

A semi-trailing plant with dark green, waxy heart-shaped leaves.

Philodendron tuxtla red wings

Stand-out leathery leaves held by stunning red stalks.

Pilea Plant

Cute plant, stemming out sparse circular green leaves.

Princess Lillies

Produces an exotic, stunning flower in spring and summer.

Radiator plant

An indoor plant with striking leaves. Can be grown outdoors in tropical climates.

Red Hot Poker

A vibrant evergreen perennial with burnt orange and yellow flowers.

Rojo Congo

An excellent indoor plant, it tolerates dark spots and mild neglect.


Loves soil high in organic matter and plenty of sunlight.

String of beans

Looks best in a hanging basket. Can be grown indoors in well lit areas. Careful not to overwater.

Tassel Rush

Perfect for mass planting or growing in boggy areas of your garden.

Tuscan Kale

Looks as great in your garden and on your plate.

Walking Iris

Perfect for a sheltered outdoor spot.

Wax Flower

A beautiful climber grown indoors or outdoors, prefers warmer climates.


Great in hanging baskets and small pots.


  • Plants


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